
Editing Tools

  You don’t have to know what the name of the tool is to know how to use it. It does help knowing if you’re going to work with other people. For years, I knew the basic tools of punctuation, but for me a dangling participle was a monster hanging from a high branch or light fixture. It was funny learning that I’d known the concept of misplaced modifiers since watching Animal Crackers as a kid. Groucho Marx: “One morning I shot an elephant in my pyjamas. How he got in my pyjamas, I don't know.” I didn't absorb that part of the curriculum at school. Mind you, I went through primary school when the board was experimenting with ignoring spelling and grammar because it stifled children’s creativity. That’s why my younger sister used to proofread my early stories. They’d gone back to teaching the basics by the time she was in school. My sister would read my stories aloud, warts and all. Since I started off writing longhand and had a messy hand, there were a lot of warts. I listened a

Another Fresh Start

Romantic Suspense and a Proceedural too (sort of)

Mark Break Breakdown